The Backlog: Mega Man Battle Network 2 - Part 29
If the internet can transfers vast amounts of data anywhere in the blink of an eye, why does it take all this time to run repeatedly between one side of the internet to the other? Whatever, let's fight this cyber ice.
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We made it! We finished another Mega Man Battle Network game! We deb...

We're so close to the end that we can taste it! Before we can reach ...

PlantMan, DesertMan, and FlameMan all in one episode! Now that's wha...

The boss rush continues with Bubbleman! And we finally get back our ...

We made it to Wily's Castle! The end is near! But first we gotta go ...

We finally make it to Undernet 6! We get the book we need and realiz...

We learn a bit about Alpha and get put under martial law. But instea...

Two bosses in one episode! Now that's what we call progress. Let's l...

It might have only been a week for the viewers, but for us it was a ...

We are on the search for the mysterious Navi only known as S. And ap...

Our worst enemy, Cyber Simon, reappears and we yet again waste too m...

Back to the Undernet with us. These yellow fish bird viruses are rea...

We face the hard truth and realize our attempt to get a new style by...

We continue to navigate the maze of the Undernet to get to FlameMan ...

We continue to put out fires on the internet and then our dad dies o...

There's still so much fire in the cyber world and we need to get rid...

Mr. Match gets us to do a bunch of stuff for him that doesn't seem s...

Mom has a new BF, Dad's gay, we're being wrapped up by vines constan...

PlantMan tries to wrap us up in his vines and squeeze the life out o...

Oh no! The vines have come to entangle the hospital and keep the doc...

We learn more about what's afflicting poor little Mamoru, learn how ...

We make a decision to not use ElecCustom style that might bite us in...

A huge twist during the N1 Grand Prix! The organizer of the whole th...

It's finally time to do some Net Battling during this N1 Grand Prix....

We start off with another set of side quests before moving on to wha...

CyberSimon truly messes everything up for us. We play his stupid lit...

We think it's time to take down Bubbleman and his weird feet, but Ch...

We get our first style change in this game! Just like the last game,...

The N1 Grand Prix trails continue with some arbitrary running around...

In this episode we find Mr. Famous, fight Punk.EXE, do some side que...

Did you know the sound a rabbit makes is "munch munch?" Neither did ...

Lan and friend's take a trip to the zoo, but trouble follows them ev...

We now have access to the SciLab internet, so we spend some time exp...

PD and Joyboy flip some light switches and make their way through to...

We take our first challenge of the N1 Grand Prix which is apparently...

PD and Joyboy are back after.... 4 years??? It too...

It's over! We did it! Gospel has been defeated! Bass has been defeat...

We've been punished for our sins and have to redo a section of this ...

It's the final area! Just one more set of puzzles before we can kick...

If the internet can transfers vast amounts of data anywhere in the b...